Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My Reaction To The Rest Of 10(:

  After reading that Douglass wasn't getting whipped anymore because he stood up for himself I felt very hopeful. This action made Douglass want to be free even more. I mean you just beat up your master and his friend, you darn right id feel very happy and who wouldn't want to be free after this?
   Holiday break? What is this I mean yeah I know holidays are fun but what is there to do on a holiday when your a slave. Ha I laughed because its like ohh I beat you and your ranked with the animals but i'm still giving you holiday break, then you get to come back so I can beat you. Yeahh good present right? Rev Hopkins is very mean and just a bad person but he sayd he's soooooooo religious. I think that Douglass wanting to start a Sabboth School knowing he might get in troublwe gave him a lot af courage. I mean if I were in that situation then I wouldn't do it. Like risk something that I may or may not get in trouble for. I do that now, if I know something bad is going to happen with this action then I dont do it. Its just common sense right there.
    Oh the joy on my face when i read that he was able to work. That right there is a gift. Being a slave you get to experience all kinds of work, not really knowing what you want to be, and the fact that he was a ship builder only made it that much more fun. The reason I say this is because he was on a ship to get from a different slaveholder to the next so he knows quit a bit i would guess.

1. I really liked the fact that he was able to work. It gave me alot of hope for Douglass.
2. It takes alot of strength and courage to be in the situation that Douglass was in for most of his life.
1. Why would someone say thier religious but yet are so mean and hateful?
2. Do you think that any of the slaveholders could take what they were doing to the slaves?


  1. Bre, I agree with how hopeful this part of the chapter. I really like how you write and how mucc detail you put in to it, it makes it easier to read.

  2. I thought that you did a good job describing and hitting the major things that happened in the rest of the chapter. I liked how you included the holiday break, and talked about his working in Baltimore. Overall, you did a good job!

  3. Bree,

    I really liked what you said. I like how you tried to incorporate how you felt when Douglass gets no more beattings but also how he get's a holiday break then has to come back and get whipped. I like how you express your feeling for Douglass. Good job writing. :)

  4. Bre,
    I really like how you pointed out the hypocricy of Douglass being given a "holiday break". I completely agree with you! Your writing is really good and the only thing I would really say needs to be impoved upon is using "like" so often. I also really like how you put your emotions into the final paragraph of this response. That was really good!!

  5. Wow Bre, i liked this alot. You put alot of feeling and emotion in your reaction. I could see that you were the one that wrote this. You also summarized it well and provided accurate opinions and responses.

  6. You are totally right about how going from one master to another you pick up a lot of different skills and abilities. You did a great job.


  7. Good job on summarizing the chapter haha it was very detailed and explained so it actully helped me figure it out a bit more haha. Good work and keep it up

  8. hey my brezzy<
    SO i agree with you standing up to those freaks totally give you power!! like come on now he does deserve the respect if he is going to be doind that. I like reading your blog they get very interesting.. I think that there "Holiday" is very stupid!! yeah what kind of holiday is that getting them drunk!? well besides that it was a cool chapter to read..
