Monday, October 11, 2010

Eight, 9 & Ten(:

   While I was reading this, I felt a lot of emotions. Mostly sadness & anger. I still am againnst slaves no matter what anyone says. I think its sad how many of Douglass' Masters or "friends" are dieing right before his eyes. He's losing quit a bit of people. I believe that (First paragraph, page 29) Douglass remembering where he was born is very important. I like that piecce of detail he decided to put in, because if i remember correctly most slaves didnt even remember the exact date of their birthday. I didnt know that Douglass knew he had other sibalings, I always thought he ws on his own because they never really talk about them untill chapter eight.
    I think what part stood out to me the most out of everything was the fact that they were all ranked equel with the animals. To me yeah everyone should be treated equely but not in this way. I think every person is different and they need to embrace that but they cant if they are put in the same ranking as other animals. Pigs were children, cattle were women and men were horses. Its just sad to know how much our world has changed. When I believe nothing really should change THAT much. In a way im glad it did.
   The fact that he went through so much and is still okay with every change, almost makes him a hero in my eyes. That was brutal, having to lose the one person who was ever truely kind to you in the whole time you were a slave. I look up to him and admire his strenght throughout his slave"hood".
     Im not sure what my opinion on Mr. Covey is other than he was a ver mean man. He gave Douglass a severe whipping? Wow thats not very nice right? I dont like blood and making a man bleed because of the whipping, in our world would be abuse and there are fines and possibly jail time. I think its kinda cool Mr Covey prays.

1. If his grandma was free why didnt she leave?
2. Would you rather be a slave or a Master?

I like how he was strong throughout all the people who died.
I believe that if Douglass were here today that i would have many questions.
Then again im not sure if i would want to know.

This reading got me a little confused; not gunna lie(:
     Mr. B will you please help me?


  1. bre, i really liked your response, you used examoles while showing how you felt about it that made it clear that you truley understood what you read. you showed your perspective of the reading in a way that is easy to understand.

  2. I agree with you. It was horrible of the things he had to go through. And that they were ranked with animals. I think you had a lot of explanation in your responce. Good Job!

  3. Ireally liked your response. It was good and I agree with you that the part that stod out was saying that the slaves were ranked the same as the animals. Good work

  4. I liked how you expressed what you felt about everything that you read and also that you reassured the readers of your blog that you will always be against slavery. I also liked that even though you thought Mr.Covey was a mean man, you still found some good in him. Great Job

  5. I thought that you went into great depth as far as the reading. Early in your response you said that you did not like how the world changes. However, you said that you are glad that it changed in this situation. Are there any other situations, that you can think of,that have changed for the better?
    Ms. Ladtkow
