Monday, October 4, 2010

My reaction to 2, 3, and 4.

   My reaction after reading chapters 2,3, and 4 were very shocked. The colonel llyod kep three to four hundred slaves on his home plantation, to have that many slaves it must have been big. Either that or it was small and made them suffer even more. I think its a bit outrageous that they get a monthly allowence of food and clothes for the year. In my opinion if i want a slave then i better treat them right. And the food could probably fill a family of four for a day, let alone a month. The clothing for the  year couldnt go over seven dollars? Thats crasy, some of my shirts arent even seven dollars, thats like a buttom now a days. What gets worse is the childrens allowence. If they couldnt work then sometimes they would go naked untill the next allowence day? What iff it was like really cold and they had to wear clothes or if they were allergic to the sun.
         I love my bed and to hear that slaves didnt even have a bed unless a blanket could be considered one was very sad. I have like 10 blankets, plus my confurter, plus my actual bed. Part of not having a bed was because they had no time to sleep. They would be too busy dgetting ready for the next day or trying to finish their chores. If the slaves didnt hear the sound of the horn to get up then they would get beat with a hickory stick and heavy cowskin.
        All the medical operations were preformed in the country village.

Chapter 3
     The colonel had all kinds of stratagems of how to keep the slaves out of the garden. It was filled with all kinds of fruit and if the slaves only get a monthly allowence of food obviously their gunna want to eat whatever food they find, thats what i would do. I think that if each leader or master has three or four hundread slaves then thats crazy and whats even worse is the masters led them to believe that they were the best not anyone else. So to me in a way its like setting them up to hate each other when they shouldnt.

Chapter 4
      I think that even as the slaves are geting their monthly allowence of food and clothing that as they are going to the place they are singing. To me its very cool because you could be in the worst situation and still they are singing away as if its nothing. It was not even to rythm or tune. That to me was still keepin faith that things were gunna get better. Slaves sing most when hey are unhappy. and i kinda am the same wayt when im sad or hurting i sing and somehow it makes me feel better.

This is very sad. i dont even like slaves, because i feel like we shouldnt have them, its like treating someone like their nothing when they really are something. I understnad this so much more and i feel as if thats why im more interested in it and i want to keep reading it to find out more things about what happend in this time period.


  1. Okai so your blog is pretty interesting:]] i totally agree with you on the whole part of what they got as an "allowence" itz super sad how that all happens. The food portions they get totally shocked me too! lke a couple pieces of meat wont feed everyone. I feel that they went threw alot to get so little. And your blog totally says all this. GoodJob:]]

  2. I agree completely with you on everything you wrote about. I am just wondering how someone could be alergic to the sun, then they would probably die because you need the sun to get some vitamins to help absorb calcium. I like your writing style a lot

  3. Well b_7890,
    You can be alergic to the sun and i didnt say they would die. I was just stating that some people are which prevents them from doing thier work. But you do have a good point and thank you(:
    Elena, thank you. I pretty much said the same thing about yours. haha

