Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tewnty, 21 and twenty2(:

In these chapters they were different. Jurgis got a job and what not and I give him kudos because he was trying to make it better for his family and I like the dedication he gives. Learning English was very big for me because it is important to communicate and I like that he is still pushing forward to learn it still. Its sad that the family's income comes from a 10 year old. I think its good for the 10 year old but for the parents it m,ust feel weird becasue then you would feel horrible about yourself. Its very joyful how the lady was trying to help Jurgis find a job after the life he's had. He can only go home on weekends but at least he has a job. Another person dies and It's definetly sad but you can learn to get through it.(: Jurgis trys to fight his emotions when he should just ask for help and not keep them bottled up. Haha when the farmer ask for hekp is very good to me. :(


  1. Dear Bree,
    I thought that the little boy Antanas dying was sad too. Good job blogging though.

  2. I loved this bre, I love you :)
    The only thing i think you should have done was add more information from the text in it.

    xoxo- CLAIREEE :)

  3. Bre, this was a really good blog! i love how you explained the emotions you felt as you were reading as well as you gave insight as to why it made you feel that way.
    Good Job!

  4. heyy love<3
    So Yes i do really like yuhr blog! I like how you relate your story to umm your life. So yeah i think its way sad a 10 year old is bringing home the income. I mean talk about wackk!
    nyyways im glad you my friend:] lol
    and yah nott so glad we have to blogg oo wel:]
    keep thayt bloggin up!

  5. Bre! you did a super great job writing all about this. but i think you could of added a whole bunch more detail also! your really awesome! good job misssssssy

  6. Bree,

    I like your blog, I like how your putting your thought into it. I also think that it is sad how antana's dies. Now he doesn't have anybody left. But I think that it's weird, how he leaves his house but doesn't return back for a while. Good job blogging.

  7. Bre,
    I liked how you expained the chapters but you could have added a little more but other than that it was good. Good Job!
