Tuesday, December 7, 2010

REaction to twenty7 and 20eight.(:

Chapter 2seven, I thought that it was good how the strike ended. However, his bad times are only getting worse. I think its really sad how he become homeless again. He finally gets a job, but then gets fired from that job because he isnt strong enough. I think that's like discriminating towards him becasue he shouldnt be fired for something that he probably cant afford. Ughhhh it gets me mad that winter approches; He attends a political meeting and then gets thrown out because he falls asleep and starts to snore.  He comes across a girl he once knew and she seems to me, to be pretty well off. She invites Jurgis to see other family and it just give me a tickle in my tummy. Ewwwww its soooo gross how Stainsloves dies. He falls asleep and then the rats come ant eat him that's just gross to me. I would not want that to happen to me. EVER! (:
Not gunna lie, I think its good that Maria goes into prostitutin becasue if your making money for your family then anything you can do will help. I mean I dont judge. He yet spends another night in jail. . . No suprise.

Chapter twenty8, I thought  that lieing to get out of jail is a good idea until you get caught. Which I think he might, because he just loves going to jail. He is just going into soooooo much lieing. Im not sure I like it. I want him to be the way he was before. I just think he was much happier. It gets me very happy when I found out that Jurgis was walking and while he was walking he came across a political party, and he went in. As he was listening he fopund himself agreeing with everything. He finally felt that a political party was for once siding on his interests and ideas. (:


  1. omg bre,
    that whole situation of him dying, yeah that discusted mi to. I mean rats!! seriously...anywhats i do kinda agree with yuh on marija, serviving makes you do crazy stuff and im not here to judge.. nyways your blog made me go from a 4 to a 6 in attitude status lol:]]

  2. Hahha Elena I love you. You make me laugh.(: "Anywhats"
