Sunday, December 5, 2010

Reaction to 2three-Twenty5(:

In chapter 23, this made me super happy. Jurgis found a job diggin underground railroads and it made me feel very hopeful for him. I believe that Jurgis is probably feeling like how I feel about it. Very happy and that it will last till winter. Oh my goodness Christmas is my favorite holiday and it sadenes me that he had to spend it in the hospital from a broken arm, while working.

While reading 24, the main part for me was probably when Jurgis comes across a man and he helps him out and it makes me very happy. he offers to pay for his cab and offers him to dinner. Freddie treated Jurgis very nice, I know I would love to get a 100 dollar bill. I think its a hands up for Jurgis because it proves that there are nice people and that the world isnt as bad as it was cooked up to be. Stupid butler was being mean when he kicked him out of the house. I mean it was one night so I think that it wouldnt have been such a bad idea to let him stay there one night.

In chapter twentyfive, Well you darn right if the bartender jips me money im going to attack him. It was a bit wrong that he handled it in that way and it just made me super mad when Jurgis had to go to jail for it. I mean c'mon you just lost almost all your money, he had a right to act that way. In a weird way I agree with the other prisinors about the whole " Life of crime is a way to live." Because where there you get frd and you have a bed and ten days isnt that bad. Jurgis to me is doing anything in his power he can to survive. Honeslty id rather be dead like the whole situation about the man having a concussion and freezing to death is soooooooo outrangeous and it paints a ugly picture in my head that I dont wanna ever think about. Jurgis get another job as a hog trimmer and reciveves regular pay. He becomes part of a republican party, and I guess they won so Jurgis becomes 300 dollars richer, and then he goes and drinks and in Packintown its basically a celebration. (:

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