Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Reading.(: 7-19 <--------- Word.

Well my thanksgiving was amazing and here are the readiong we were supposed to do.(: Im almost finished with Go Ask Alice, it is such a good book!!!!!!

Chapter 7

                 My response to chapter seven, I think its sad how no one can take a break off work because they are in so much debt. I know it must be hard to do. Their getting sick because of their living conditions, I feel very blessed that I dont get sick because of where I live. I think its also how there is no heating in their work so its not really plesent to go to and that most of them become alcoholics. :/ Alcohol can do some mager damege to someone who isnt used to it.

Chapter 8

                 My response to chapter eight, Tamozious I think his name is reminds me of several people. I mean many of my friends I believe will be as successful as he is in dealing with his music. He likes it alot, also likes Marija. He proposes to her and I tihnk thats the cutest thing ever. She obviously accepts. Its sad how many workers lose their jobs becasue after the ruch of winter. I know I would be devestated if I had a job and I lost it.

Chapter 9

               My response to chapter nine, This chapter was the most wonderful of them all!! I am so proud that Jurgis is learning English and his kids are helping him. It brings great joy to my fash to see people getting somewhere. I love this because I know how hard it is to learn another language. He become a U.S citizen! Yayyy(: This was also a chapter that repeated its self, because I thought Jurgos already knew about the mean and then it says that he realizes that unfit meat is packed in with the good. I mean its good to do that but also I like to learn new things.

Chapter 10

                    My response to chapter ten, I mean this is a bit outrageous only because I dont know how much the money situation is. I am comparing it to todays money and so trying to figure it out doesnt really make sense to me. This family is really srtuggling to keep their jobs. They have a job for a while then sometihng happens and it get ruined, then they get it back then get fired. I think if anything they need the jobs because if they are expecting a child they need money to do that to give it a good life/childhood. She gives birth to her healthy son, and then she names him after Jurgis' father.

Chapter 11

                 My response to chapter eleven, I think its sad that you are always having to worry about your job and how much you are getting paid and if your getitng paid for that week. I know I would be really mad if I didnt get paid for doing so much work. It would make me really mad. Hahahah I think its really funny how Ona I think? Sews her money into clothes, its a good idea but other then the fact that it weighs  her down when she walks in the mud.

Chapter 12

                   My response to chapter twelve, it must really suck that Jurgis sprains his ankle and cannot return to work. That must really mess tihngs up with the family, not being able to bring home any money for the family. He also belives that the only way he can get the smile back on his face is by his infint son. Usually thats how it is for me. I also believe that Jurgis has been through a lot and yet he is doing everything in his power to make it better for him and his family. He got FROSTBITE! That have must really sucked for him. By getting frostbite it permently damages his joints in his fingers.

Chapter 13

                 My response to chapter thirteen, OH MY GOODNESS someone dies from the meat. That is what stood out the most for me, and it made iot really sad because she didnt really experience life and Jurgis didnt want to pay for a funeral. Its sad but then again I can understand where he is coming from, because he doesnt want to spend money on a dead person and also the fact that he doesnt want to bring back that bad memory.

Chapter 14

                   My response to chapter fourteen, It is starting to get the good part that they are finally realizing the real secrets of the meat packing industry. Its actually getting serious and down to the nitty gritty. It just grosses me out the fact about the meat. I want to be a vegitarian now.

Chapter 15

                  My response to chapter fifteen, I think its a bit outrageous that they are working 15 and 16 hour shifts. Jurgis to me is a very strong person becaus ehe has been through so much, noe dealing with his wife. I think its sad that her boss is making her be his mistress. After all Jurgis has done I dont tihnk he deserves what is happening to him. Then he is protective so he basically chokes Onas boss and then later he has to go down to the police station.. wow, I will keep saying it, but Jurgis has been theough alot.

Chapter 16

                  My response to chapter sixteen, Its sad that he is in jal on christmas eve and all he can do is think about the times hes had with Ona and walking with her and being with her. he begins to cry and I hate when guys cry so it just makes me even more sad when I find this out.

Chapter 17

                  My response to chapter seventeen, Wow he is sentenced to 30days in prison? Thats a bit harsh if you ask me. I hate how the man lied about what really happened with the Ona situation. It makes me very angry. I also dont like the fact that he cant work witch then he can not provide for his family and it will be very bad news bears... :(

Chapter 18

                 My response to chapter eighteen, This chapter is sad only because when he gets out of prison he then finds out that his family got evicted  because they couldnt afford rent to live there and within a week they sold the house.

That's all for now, thank you very much for your time and patience.(:


  1. Breanna,
    I thought your response was great! I really nailed all the main points in the chapters. By the way, I also would become a vegitarian after what I read over Thanksgiving. Overall, great job.

  2. Breanna,

    I really liked the format on how you divided the chapters and you did cover the main points in each chapter. Then you also anaylzed them really well to and you made great connections.

  3. dawwling:],
    good blogin yo!
    so lets see this gets mi mad that they dont get a brake off work either..and omg 30 freakin days yah wayy too much!
    nyyways awesome blogg

  4. This was a very good summary and relevant responses! Nice work and keep on bloggin'!

  5. wow bre, and i thought i wrote alot! i think you did a nice job writing your response. I like how your response showed that you actually cared about what you were reading and that you want to show people what you got out of it. Great job

    Nitty Gritty (:
