Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Great Gatsby(:

Chapter Three:
                           In chapter three, one of the main reasons Gatsby has become so popular is because he throws great parties in his masion. I would love to have parties every weekend in someones mansion. That would be the life. It makes me mad that all his quests are talking bad about him when they dont even know the truth. Nick is hearing all this and he must feel really weird. As I was reading about his food I was getting hungry. Also with the pool, it just made me want summer that much more.(: I wouldnt want drunk people in my house that just doesnt seem right.

Chapter Four:
                          In chapter four, To me when Gatsby gets pulled over by the police adn he shows him a white card I wasnt reallt sure what that ment. I think it might mean sometihng like he's rich or sometihng. I dont think it's right for Daisy to be faithful when Tom isnt. I dont see how thats right. I think it shoud be both of them being faithful to each other. Nick to me doesnt really have a mind of his own. I think he just follows gastby orders becasue he wants to find tihngs out. I dont think Daisy should have to see Gatsby if she doesnt want to. Forcing her just makes it that much more wrong.

Chapter Five:
                        In chapter five, they meet for tea and at first it was akward but after a while it was really good and happy. To me Gatsby uses Nick just to get closer with Daisy. Becasue after Gatsby and Daisy were talking they had forgotten Nick was still there and he just left. I also thoguht it was weird that he offered to cut his grass. Usually it is like dinner or something. To me that was a bit weird.

I don't know if i, really liking this book. Its kind of confusing for me.

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