Monday, January 31, 2011

Chapter 5(:

In chapter five, So basically he invites him over for tea. Nick is Daisy's cousin and so he invited her too but only becasue Gatsby wanted him to. I think that its wrong for him to do that. He is just using him to get closer to Daisy which in a way could be a good thing and then it couldn't. It could back fire on him and he would lose both Daisy and Nick. But Nock really doesnt care becasue he is focused on Jordan. Nick often wonders if Daisy can live up to Gatsby's standards, although it may seem all jolly right now he doesnt know if in the long run if it will work out. I think this chapter wasnt that interesting. It made me think weird of Gatsby and all but it was weird. I like Nick. He thinks more of other people and wants the best for others rather then himself and that can be a good but bad quality. I think Nick is a very good guy and I wouldnt mind dating him haha(: It is nice to have friends like that. On top of everytihng I often wonder how Daisy feels about this whole situation. I think she is very lonley becasue her husband is cheating on her and it gets me mad but I also want what's best for her. If she wants to still be with Gatsby then she needs to divorce her husband becasue to me thats wrong and I also think that if she plans on fixing things with her husband she should do it soon or else she might lose him for good.

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