Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Response to chapter thirty1(:

" , " Coma
 " ; " Colin

In chapter thirty1, I think that Jurgis tyring to persuade Maria to stop prostitution makes me mad. Its her life and she can do whatever she wants. I mean if shes making a better life for herself, then she can do whatever. The main reason is because shes addicted to morphine. Which is understandable to me because drugs can and are addicting. I mean she can stop if she want but its just the drugs. It still makes me mad that all of a sudden he starts to talk about socialism. I like how no worker will HAVE to work more then they should. Basically I think that this chapter was boring; as well as it was not worth reading. Nothing happened and that's what makes me hate this book. Usually the ending is supposed to be the main thing and everything happens at the end and leaves you wondering, but this was a stupid ending and I hated it. I was expecting him to die or get badly hurt. It was a big downer on my day. Anyways this really upset me and this wasnt a good ending.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Response to Twenty9 and 30(:

In chapter 29, I feel like Hurgis found a friend. His name is Ostriniski. He then invites Jurgis to his house, after the meeting he wanted more information. I say their friends because they then begin to talk about their horrible experiences and thats what friends usually do. I think its funny how he calls the large and small capitalists "wage slavery". To me nothing realy stood out, so this is the end of my chapter 29.

In chapter 30, I like how he is starting to communicate with his family and Teta Elzbieta is agreeing to go to the socialist partys with Jurgos. It's a step in the right direction. I'm happy to read that Jurgis got a job in a hotel as a porter. It pays 30 dollars a month. I think its the best job hes ever had and he's moving uo in the world. The best part is that Jurgis's boss is the state organizer for the socialists meetings. Which I thought was really cool. Hinds tells Jurgis that he should tell him and everyone about the meat packing industry. I have to agree with him. I think that most, if not all; will stop eating the meat. Its not good to eat nor is it making you feel better.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

REaction to twenty7 and 20eight.(:

Chapter 2seven, I thought that it was good how the strike ended. However, his bad times are only getting worse. I think its really sad how he become homeless again. He finally gets a job, but then gets fired from that job because he isnt strong enough. I think that's like discriminating towards him becasue he shouldnt be fired for something that he probably cant afford. Ughhhh it gets me mad that winter approches; He attends a political meeting and then gets thrown out because he falls asleep and starts to snore.  He comes across a girl he once knew and she seems to me, to be pretty well off. She invites Jurgis to see other family and it just give me a tickle in my tummy. Ewwwww its soooo gross how Stainsloves dies. He falls asleep and then the rats come ant eat him that's just gross to me. I would not want that to happen to me. EVER! (:
Not gunna lie, I think its good that Maria goes into prostitutin becasue if your making money for your family then anything you can do will help. I mean I dont judge. He yet spends another night in jail. . . No suprise.

Chapter twenty8, I thought  that lieing to get out of jail is a good idea until you get caught. Which I think he might, because he just loves going to jail. He is just going into soooooo much lieing. Im not sure I like it. I want him to be the way he was before. I just think he was much happier. It gets me very happy when I found out that Jurgis was walking and while he was walking he came across a political party, and he went in. As he was listening he fopund himself agreeing with everything. He finally felt that a political party was for once siding on his interests and ideas. (:

Monday, December 6, 2010

Reaction to tewnty6(:

In chapter 20six, I thought that the whole strike thign is totally expected. I mean if a place shuts down then yeah something is going to happen. However, Jurgis asks for more pay of three dollars a day, and recieves it. I think its a bit weird how the packers hire all the thugs; then hire a significant amount of Southern Blacks. Yayyyyy FINALLY things are looking up for Jurgis. He gets asked to be a boss for the killing beds. The packers are desperate to provide fresh meat to keep the public opinion good. I like that becasue now they are playing fair after Jurgis becomes boss. Jurgis then meets up with the man who raped his wife and e attacks him. Jurgis calls a friend from jail and discovers that Conner is one of Scully's favorites. This was a pretty intense chapter. I like is so far and I think more things are looking up for Jurgis but then I have a feeling that this is just the beginning of everything. Not a lot happened but if you think about it, many events happened to make this more fun. It makes me mad how hes in jail AGAIN. Can't this man ever stay out? But then again, like the prisinor said about how being in jail is keeping you alive. Soo I mean it goes both ways. I would not want to go to jail, nor be in Jurgis's position right now.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Reaction to 2three-Twenty5(:

In chapter 23, this made me super happy. Jurgis found a job diggin underground railroads and it made me feel very hopeful for him. I believe that Jurgis is probably feeling like how I feel about it. Very happy and that it will last till winter. Oh my goodness Christmas is my favorite holiday and it sadenes me that he had to spend it in the hospital from a broken arm, while working.

While reading 24, the main part for me was probably when Jurgis comes across a man and he helps him out and it makes me very happy. he offers to pay for his cab and offers him to dinner. Freddie treated Jurgis very nice, I know I would love to get a 100 dollar bill. I think its a hands up for Jurgis because it proves that there are nice people and that the world isnt as bad as it was cooked up to be. Stupid butler was being mean when he kicked him out of the house. I mean it was one night so I think that it wouldnt have been such a bad idea to let him stay there one night.

In chapter twentyfive, Well you darn right if the bartender jips me money im going to attack him. It was a bit wrong that he handled it in that way and it just made me super mad when Jurgis had to go to jail for it. I mean c'mon you just lost almost all your money, he had a right to act that way. In a weird way I agree with the other prisinors about the whole " Life of crime is a way to live." Because where there you get frd and you have a bed and ten days isnt that bad. Jurgis to me is doing anything in his power he can to survive. Honeslty id rather be dead like the whole situation about the man having a concussion and freezing to death is soooooooo outrangeous and it paints a ugly picture in my head that I dont wanna ever think about. Jurgis get another job as a hog trimmer and reciveves regular pay. He becomes part of a republican party, and I guess they won so Jurgis becomes 300 dollars richer, and then he goes and drinks and in Packintown its basically a celebration. (:

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tewnty, 21 and twenty2(:

In these chapters they were different. Jurgis got a job and what not and I give him kudos because he was trying to make it better for his family and I like the dedication he gives. Learning English was very big for me because it is important to communicate and I like that he is still pushing forward to learn it still. Its sad that the family's income comes from a 10 year old. I think its good for the 10 year old but for the parents it m,ust feel weird becasue then you would feel horrible about yourself. Its very joyful how the lady was trying to help Jurgis find a job after the life he's had. He can only go home on weekends but at least he has a job. Another person dies and It's definetly sad but you can learn to get through it.(: Jurgis trys to fight his emotions when he should just ask for help and not keep them bottled up. Haha when the farmer ask for hekp is very good to me. :(