Monday, November 15, 2010

The Jungle(:

My partners are Destiny Beaman and Alyssa Kargas.

I read Chapters four and five. Here are my comments and questions.(:

Chapter Four(:

1. Pg. 41 I think its great that he started working. I think its wrong how Jurgis get paid 17 and a half cents per hour earning only a dollar and a half per day.
2. Pg 44 and 45 They were talking about getting a house and and about rent.
3. Why would Jurgis want his children to go to school instead of getting a job?
4. Do you think Jurgis's reaction to the rent situation was reasonable or understandable?
5. Should he have flipped out that much?

Chpater Five(:

1. Pg 55 and 56 basically talking about where the family slep in the house.
                                      1. Why wouldnt they get a house big enough for all of them to sleep comfortably and they woud all just have to pitch in?
2. I like how he likes his job while everybody else hates it. His opinion on this is hes making money and doin the best he can for his family to make sure they are alright.
3. Pg 62 and 63 I think this is gross because this is when Jurgis discovers that some of the unfit meat for people to eat is being put into the meat that is okay for humans to eat. They out it in so that the inspectors wont find it. I think this changes my mind and i want to be a vegitarian.
                                        1. Does this make you change your mind about eating meat? Why or why not?

Mr. Boyd this is weird to say but if I wouldnt have read this book I dont think I would have known the stuff I found out and for that I thank you(: I enjoy reading books that have a point to get across. Kinda like Sammy & Juliana in Hollywoodd. Good book.(:

-Breanna Lozoya


  1. So your questions and answers are very good.:]] I do feel you didnt really respond to the text you read.. I mean with the questions it does show you understood it. I am also very happy with the fact that he got a job finally and he got a new house also! it seems like you like this book:]] hopefully you enjoy all of it!

  2. Bree,

    Your welcome. I like reading books that have a realistic point as well. It helps me to stay focused.

    I really like your questions and answers here but what about your reaction to the text? Remember, you need to write a reaction for each section of assigned reading.
