Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Sooo in chapter 8 Merdal dies in a horrible car accident. Her husband trys to find out who was in the car with her because doctor said it was her significant other. To me this was very wrong because it wasnt the doctors place to say anytihng. Her husband then goes to talk with Tom and asks if he knew who the car beloged to that Merdal was in. He then says it was Gatsby's and Tom finds Gatsbys in his pool just chillen' then takes out a GUN AND KILLS GATSBY AND KILLS HIMSELF. This was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo crazy becasue this is exactly what happend to my Nino and I could relate to this alot. It mad me really mad. I think that I would never kill anyone. I dont think he should have jumped to conclusinons and assumed it was him until he actually asked him about it. I wouldnt have killed myself if I did that because in the first place I wouldnt kill anyone. Then in Chapter 9 Nick sets up Gatsby's whole funeral but the only people who went were only reporters and journalists and not really anyone close to him. This made me sad becasue I would want peopel to be at my funeral. Especially those who are close to me. I wouldnt want people I didnt even know to be at my funeral becasue I didnt know them. I couldnt believe that Daisy didnt even go to his funeral. Nick ends up moving to the midwest becasue he noticed how east egg was full of stuck up people and where he didnt want to be. I am very happy for Nick, he finally did sometihng for himself and im proud of him for that. It made me have so much joy for him.

Monday, January 31, 2011

The Great Gatsby; Chapter Sixx(:

In chapter six, I thought this chapter was veryb interesting. I like how they are getting to know Gatsby for who he really is because I think It made it alot easier for everyone to put all those rumors to rest. I learned a lot from when that reporter came in to interview him. It really makes sense why Gatsby is the way he is. I tihnk after knowing that Cody guy he kinda followed in his footsteps and wanted to be like him. It was very cool how he was Cody's assistance but at the same time I don't think I would want to watch over someone who has been heavily drinking. I think this was very good because this is why Gatsby isn't a drinker and that's very good. When Cody died it reminded me of that song by Billy Currington " People Are Crazy" becasue in that song it talks about a billionaire who left all his money to someone he barley knew, to me it was in some kind of relation to it. I didnt like Codys wife. ha I do agree with Gatsby when he wants tihngs to go back to the way they were before becasue he seemed alot happier and I like whne people are happy. I don't think Daisy is very smart if she is staying with a guy who cheats on her. It just makes her that much more dumb for staying with her. That's of course my own opinion. Other then that I tihnk this was one of the best chapters ive read so far because alot has happened and I understood it(:

Chapter 5(:

In chapter five, So basically he invites him over for tea. Nick is Daisy's cousin and so he invited her too but only becasue Gatsby wanted him to. I think that its wrong for him to do that. He is just using him to get closer to Daisy which in a way could be a good thing and then it couldn't. It could back fire on him and he would lose both Daisy and Nick. But Nock really doesnt care becasue he is focused on Jordan. Nick often wonders if Daisy can live up to Gatsby's standards, although it may seem all jolly right now he doesnt know if in the long run if it will work out. I think this chapter wasnt that interesting. It made me think weird of Gatsby and all but it was weird. I like Nick. He thinks more of other people and wants the best for others rather then himself and that can be a good but bad quality. I think Nick is a very good guy and I wouldnt mind dating him haha(: It is nice to have friends like that. On top of everytihng I often wonder how Daisy feels about this whole situation. I think she is very lonley becasue her husband is cheating on her and it gets me mad but I also want what's best for her. If she wants to still be with Gatsby then she needs to divorce her husband becasue to me thats wrong and I also think that if she plans on fixing things with her husband she should do it soon or else she might lose him for good.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Great Gatsby(:

Chapter Three:
                           In chapter three, one of the main reasons Gatsby has become so popular is because he throws great parties in his masion. I would love to have parties every weekend in someones mansion. That would be the life. It makes me mad that all his quests are talking bad about him when they dont even know the truth. Nick is hearing all this and he must feel really weird. As I was reading about his food I was getting hungry. Also with the pool, it just made me want summer that much more.(: I wouldnt want drunk people in my house that just doesnt seem right.

Chapter Four:
                          In chapter four, To me when Gatsby gets pulled over by the police adn he shows him a white card I wasnt reallt sure what that ment. I think it might mean sometihng like he's rich or sometihng. I dont think it's right for Daisy to be faithful when Tom isnt. I dont see how thats right. I think it shoud be both of them being faithful to each other. Nick to me doesnt really have a mind of his own. I think he just follows gastby orders becasue he wants to find tihngs out. I dont think Daisy should have to see Gatsby if she doesnt want to. Forcing her just makes it that much more wrong.

Chapter Five:
                        In chapter five, they meet for tea and at first it was akward but after a while it was really good and happy. To me Gatsby uses Nick just to get closer with Daisy. Becasue after Gatsby and Daisy were talking they had forgotten Nick was still there and he just left. I also thoguht it was weird that he offered to cut his grass. Usually it is like dinner or something. To me that was a bit weird.

I don't know if i, really liking this book. Its kind of confusing for me.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Free Write(:

1. I am not apprehensive about sharing my writing. I could honestly care less.
2. I don't really fear anything other then getting judged. I think only the teacher should be the one who actually cratiques it. Maybe if you have everyones idea and then share it with the teacher and talk about it, it might get the point across.
3. The best case scenerio would be, I become a better writer. I think it's just some advice. Weather or not you use it is in your hands.
4. The worst case scenerio would be that some students might not agree with what your saying and then their whole preseption on you changes. I dont want someone to judge me on my opinions. But it can only get better from being the worst. (:

Monday, January 10, 2011


The cold makes me want to cuddle.
It makes me want to drink hot chocolate.
It also makes me want to go sledding.
I also want to eat alot I dunno why.
It is also one step closer to geting to the summer,
Im looking forward to it.(:

Breanna Lozoya.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Free Write

So I believe that I have many weaknesses rther then strenghs. I think that I have good thoughts and when I try to put them on paper it doesnt come out how I want it and it makes me seem like im dumb. I dont like how you tell me what to do but dont actually show me on my paper what to do. I feel like I need to work on my argument and my intro ad conclusion a whole lot better. I understand what im doing but you dont reallt tell me how to fix it. I just need help overall. I think its hard trying to write in third person and after I do then it doesnt make sense. I just hate writing essays overall.(:

Breanna Lozoya<3